Veronika Bakonyi LL.M.


Dr. Veronika Bakonyi is a lawyer in the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets Group at Lakatos, Köves and Partners.


Veronika Bakonyi LL.M.

Professional experience

Dr. Veronika Bakonyi is a lawyer in the Banking & Finance and Capital Markets Group at Lakatos, Köves and Partners.

Veronika Bakonyi is a lawyer in the Banking and Finance and Capital Markets Group at Lakatos, Köves and Partners. Veronika has significant experience in complex financing transactions and capital markets matters. She has participated in capital markets projects, securities offerings and listings of securities to the regulated market. Apart from providing legal advice to financial institutions on banking regulatory compliance issues, she focuses on the legal aspects of fintech innovations.

Veronika earned her law degree in 2013 at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University. In 2018, she obtained her LL.M. degree in Banking Law and Capital Markets at Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

Veronika speaks Hungarian, English and French.

Veronika Bakonyi LL.M.
Veronika Bakonyi LL.M. Lawyer


Hungarian, English, French